This Race is About Experience and Issues


Date: June 11, 2008
Issues: Judicial Branch

This Race is About Experience and Issues

We've already mentioned Justice Jim Smith starting to waffle on appointing judges during an interview with the Meridian Star.

But we also wanted to mention something about this statement from Smith:

My race this year is about experience versus no experience," he said, not about the issues brought forth by Kitchens. "I have truly led by example," he said…

Now, isn't that a surprise. An incumbent elected official wants people to vote solely on who has more years in office.

But I bet when former Gov. Kirk Fordice was looking to hand-pick a Supreme Court Justice, Smith didn't want Fordice to look at who had served as a judge the longest to make that pick. Otherwise, Fordice would not have appointed Jim Smith to the job.

And we're glad that Smith wants people to look at his 15 years as a justice. We want them to look at those 15 years as well. And when you are looking at that record, make sure you are asking these questions:

1. How many of Smith's big donors won cases in his court?
2. How many jury awards for injured people were reversed in favor of big businesses or insurance companies?
3. How many times has Smith said he wants politicians, not the people, to choose your judges?
4. How many times has Smith ruled to reverse a court's decision and let a defendant get off free and clear?

When it comes to experience, Jim Kitchens brings 40 years in the legal profession to this race. He was elected to three terms as a district attorney. He has argued before the highest court in the land — the U.S. Supreme Court. He has both prosecuted and defended criminal cases.

Kitch is nationally known as one of the best attorneys in the United States. He has the awards and commendations to back it up.

Smith is right that this election is going to be about experience, and Kitch has a lot of it. But this election is also going to be about issues, and Smith cannot hide from that, not matter how hard he tries.
