
Floor Speech

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, on October 7, 2023, the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas, viciously attacked Israel--America's best ally in the Middle East--and they did it from the Gaza Strip. On that day, more than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals, including at least 35 Americans, were killed. Not since the Holocaust have so many Jews been killed in a single day.

During the unprecedented attack, Hamas, in conjunction with other terrorist groups, seized 253 hostages, many of whom are still held captive today, and we know for a fact that some were murdered while in captivity by Hamas. The barbaric attacks against Israel on October 7 were of a scope and lethality not witnessed ever before in the 16 years of Hamas' control in Gaza.

The U.S.-Israel alliance is founded upon our shared democratic and cultural values, our mutual security interests, and an enduring friendship. I say we have spiritual connections. Also, there are moral reasons to support Israel. There needs to be a safe haven for Jews all over this world that have been persecuted for several thousand years.

We support the Abraham Accords. These accords reflect our mutual respect for our partnership and the significance that the pursuit of peace in the region holds for the United States and Israel--a peace vital to the national security of both of our countries.

Israel is a vibrant democracy with a government elected by the people of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation with a right to self-defense and self-determination.

No country, including the United States, has the right to tell Israel whether or how to conduct wartime operations in response to a devastating terrorist attack. We certainly have no right to demand that Israel submit to a cease-fire. This course of action is for the leadership of the military of Israel to determine. It is for the people of Israel to determine.

In addition, no country has the right or authority to suggest that the Prime Minister of Israel should resign. Only the citizens of Israel have this right. Israel is a sovereign and capable nation with a right to determine who will serve in the government and how it wants to defend itself, and only Israel can determine its security needs after the fall of Hamas.

Sadly, our President has called for a cease-fire, and Leader Schumer has called for a new election--disregarding and interfering in Israel's sovereignty.

We also see the administration is calling for a two-state solution. So I ask: Who is Israel going to negotiate with? Who on the Palestinian side acknowledges Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state? Who on the Palestinian side is committed to peace and the rejection of terrorism?

Pushing for a two-state solution with the current Palestinian leadership is a fool's errand. The Palestinian leaders want a one-state solution where there is no Israel. So who are the Israelis supposed to negotiate with? Who are the trusted Palestinian leaders for Israel to talk to? There are none.

Last month, Congress voted to send much-needed munitions to Israel. Iran has fired 330 munitions recently. The Israeli air defenses are depleted. Their precision munitions are also depleted.

The President has halted sending these needed weapons after Congress approved them and directed them to be sent there because he is trying to prevent Israel from going into the last stronghold of Hamas, which is Rafah.

Israel can't let Hamas and Gaza survive. If they do, Hamas will continue to be a mortal threat. Israel needs to go and finish the job quickly so humanitarian aid can get to the Palestinian people, and the President should get out of the way. The United States should continue to support Israel, to stand with Israel in the face of attacks, not only from Hamas but from anti-Semitic nations throughout the world, particularly with the United Nations.

The United States should continue to assist Israel with the means to defend itself. Israel is a longtime friend and ally, and our policies toward Israel should be consistent and in line with that history. American politics and election year concerns should have no role in the United States' foreign policy with Israel.

In short, the administration and the majority leader and the Senate must stop meddling in Israel's politics. The goal for Israel is to destroy Hamas so that no more terrorist acts can be conducted from Gaza. They are trying to provide security for their people. We would do the same thing just like we did after 9/11.

