Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- Changes to School Funds

Utah Ballot Measure - Constitutional Amendment B

Election: Nov. 8, 2016 (General)

Outcome: Passed


K-12 Education
Government Budget and Spending


Constitutional Amendment B modifies a provision of the Utah Constitution relating to the permanent State School Fund. The Amendment makes three main changes:

1. it changes the description of what can be distributed from the State School Fund from "interest and dividends" to "earnings”;

2. it limits the amount of money that can be distributed from the State School Fund to 4% of the Fund, calculated as provided by statute; and

3. it changes the standard for how the state is required to invest the State School Fund from "safely" to "prudently." The Amendment also makes technical changes that do not affect the substance of the current Utah Constitution.

Measure Text

Shall State School Fund provisions of the Utah Constitution be amended to:

-modify the description of what can be distributed from the State School Fund from "interest and dividends" to "earnings";

-limit annual distributions from the State School Fund to 4% of the Fund; and

-modify the standard governing how the state is required to invest money in the Fund.



Official Summary
